Pre-Management Process
The Pre-Management Process is a series of preliminary steps that must take place before we can begin managing your wealth. During this time, we will get to know each other, identify your goals, set expectations, gather data, and start building your accounts. Only after all that is accomplished, can the management process begin.
Introductory Phone Meeting
We begin our relationship with an introductory phone meeting that determines what goals you are looking to accomplish and to set expectations. If everyone feels comfortable with the new relationship and we all agree to move forward, the process can officially begin.
The Organizational Process
After the introductory phone meeting, we will have you fill out our profile questionnaire and will request select financial information. We will send you a list of the items we will need which may include investments, tax returns, insurance, budget, etc. Having this information as soon as possible will allow us more time to be able to review and possibly ask you to bring any additional information that might be needed in our goal-identification meeting.
If you have not already filled it out, you might be sent a link to the Riskalyze Risk Assessment website. By performing a risk assessment, we can ensure that your current investments align with your investment goals and expectations, both before beginning work and in the future.
Goal-Identification Meeting
Goal identification is at the heart of financial planning. During this meeting, you will share with us your specific financial goals, we will discuss their feasibility, and quantify how to reach these goals.
Identifying goals is more than just saying, “I want to retire at 65.” Our goal-identification meeting is aimed at building clear and defined goals such as, “I want to retire, debt-free, at 65 with an after-tax income of $150,000 a year, the ability to take a major trip twice a year, and buy a car every five years.” We want your goals to be specific and intentional so that we can have the clearest target to aim for.
Due to the strategic nature of these and other planning meetings, we do require that all decision-makers attend.
Engagement Agreement
If both parties feel the client/advisor relationship is profitable and worth engagement, we will proceed. Paperwork will be required for us to begin the wealth management process. In order to gain access to your existing accounts, you will need to fill out an Engagement Agreement (fiduciary agreement). This paperwork is required for us to begin the process of opening your new accounts and transferring the funds to them.
The Financial Planning Process
Plan Analysis
During our plan analysis meeting, we will review and confirm the programing of the planning software, aligning your current position with your future goals and dreams. Only after confirming the correct data with you, will our planning team begin to generate an analysis to determine the precise actions needed to drive your future success.
From here, we open your client portal so you can securely access your accounts and follow along with the entire process from the comfort of your home.
This meeting is your first glimpse at your financial future. We start by showing your outcome if we did not make any adjustments staying on your current path. Often, this trajectory provides an outcome that is less than desirable and adjustments are needed.
Plan Review
The review meeting is where we will generate multiple scenarios, examining their outcomes until we find the approach that achieves your desired results. Your personal planner will have a strong understanding of the direction that you want to go in, from your previous discussions and will make additional adjustments as needed. This process will repeat until we have created a scenario that is perfect for you.
Once everyone has reviewed the direction and identified any opportunities to improve, we will issue written and quantified recommendations.
Coastal Family Wealth Advisors can begin implementation now that all parties are in agreement that the recommendations are in the best interest of the client. During the implementation phase, we will often open investment accounts, adjust contributions, refinance debt, begin legal reviews of counsel, and assess risk management topics. Because every individual and business is different, implementation is unique in each case. Implementing the plan could be done in as little as just a few weeks, or it could be a year long process of tactical changes. Regardless, your personal planning team will be with you every step of the way.
After we have completed the implementation phase, we will adjust the data in the financial planning software packages, confirming that you are on course to meet your specific goals. There are instances where we need to repeat the financial planning process. If this is the case, we repeat the cycle at a lower cost point.
Monitor And Review
Oftentimes, life can turn on a dime. What might have been a steady and secure course yesterday, might seem volatile and uncertain today. When this happens, we want to make sure that you are doing everything in your power to accomplish your goals. We want to ensure that you are staying on the path toward your desired goals. That’s why we regularly monitor and review the plans we have agreed upon, measuring them against your current status and projecting them into the future. By planning and staying proactive, you have a better chance of succeeding at reaching those goals than someone who is reactive.
We could hold up to four meetings per year, depending on your specific needs and service. However, it has been our experience that after the initial planning, adjustments, and implementation is complete, there comes a time in our relationship where our clients prefer to meet with us about twice per year. We also have clients who request phone meetings as possible strategy-changing issues arise. Whatever your needs, your financial planning professionals are here to continue helping you along the way to your financial goals.
As with other reporting meetings, we request that all decision-makers attend.
Let’s start the process by building your personalized Asset-Map® ReportHow Asset-Map Helps Clients Organize
Financial Planning Fee Structure
Level One Silver Client |
Our most popular plan:
Level Two Gold Client |
Level Three Platinum Client |
The Typical Client: | Has assets but is not clear about investment options available.
Needs Cash-flow management. Inquires about insurance that will fit their needs. Begins to question his basic tax planning strategies and retirement planning.
Has assets but is not clear about investment options available.
Needs Cash-flow management. Inquires about insurance that will fit their needs. Begins to question his basic tax planning strategies and retirement planning. Needs a review of estate planning strategy.
Has similar characteristics of the Select Level client but is dealing with more complex issues.
Requires more involved debt management and analysis of the year-by-year cash flows. Seeks advice on pre- retirement decisions and wealth conservation strategies. Has concerns about adequate and appropriate insurance coverages. Needs an in-depth review of estate planning coverages and strategies. May benefit from gifting strategies, such as charitable giving.
Meetings: | Annual financial plan review meetings after initial onboarding meeting.
Annual Strategic Planning meeting. Semi-annual Q&A meetings. Email questions on an as needed basis. |
Semi-annual financial plan review meetings after initial onboarding meeting.
Semi-annual Strategic Planning meetings. Quarterly Q&A meetings. Email questions on an as needed basis. |
Semi-annual financial plan review meetings after initial onboarding meeting.
4 quarterly Strategic Planning meetings. Monthly Q&A meetings. |
Fees: | $300/month | $500/month | $750/month |
Effective date: 3/2022
Investment Management
Investing without comprehensive financial planning is most likened to trying to sail a boat that has holes in it. It doesn’t much matter how great the performance of an investment could be. If the account owner does not have an emergency fund, what is the point of investing?
Sounds obvious? Of course it does. Yet, so many people have little to no financial reserves set aside in the event of a financial crisis.
Planning allows both the client and the planner to obtain a firm understanding of what the client’s goals and priorities are. These things serve as waypoints along life’s journey. And without a plan in hand, these waypoints get missed, the goals fall by the wayside and all that is left are shattered dreams of what might have been.
At Coastal Family Wealth Advisors, we believe that the investment management process begins only after a comprehensive financial plan has been developed. In developing this financial plan, we review all of your financial information from cash flow and risk management, to investment holdings. This ensures that you are prepared to build on a solid foundation.
Only after clearly identifying goals and developing a written plan to make them a reality, do we begin implementation of the techniques needed to garner success, including investment management.
After the initial phone meeting, if we decide that working together is in both of our best interests, we will begin the process. Our Wealth Management consists of two aspects: pre-management and actual management.
Pre-management is used to determine what your goals are, set expectations, and start building your accounts.
Management is what takes place after we take the reins. Our team works tirelessly, building, and managing your accounts in accordance with the goals you established in the pre-management process.
The Recurring Process of Portfolio Management
The first step in our management process is to look at your portfolio’s quality, through a fiduciary lens, to see if there is room for improvement within the underlying holdings.
Using the data from your statements, we determine whether it can be improved upon. Here, we examine the numbers gleaned from our Data Gathering, Risk Tolerance, and the discussions we have during the Goal Setting meeting, ensuring that your portfolio risk is aligned with the goals you outlined.
Research and Regulations
Listening to what the market and regulations are telling us allows us to rebuild the portfolio and purchase new assets. Based on your situation, this could mean a complete overhaul or making a few tactical moves if there are tax constraints. For example, we might need to tactically rebuild a portfolio over the course of several years if it contained a considerable amount of taxable gains. Because of the tax constraints, we would want to make small changes to your portfolio. However, if it is an IRA, major changes may be necessary.
Tax Strategies
Considering the tax implications involved with your portfolio is an important step with a lasting impact on your ability to build wealth. Here, we will coordinate with your CPA to create and implement various tax strategies that fit your individual needs. These strategies are designed to limit your tax burden while creating opportunities to build wealth. However, there are many moments in your life that will impact your tax liability. Therefore, as these moments occur, and as your personal net worth increases these strategies will need to be revised to keep you on the path toward your financial goals.
Monitoring and Rebalancing
After the implementation phase, we will review your progress and adjust the data in the business valuation software packages. You will receive an updated appraisal on an annual basis. The updated numbers are then factored into your net worth statement.
As we review the data, your advisor could suggest further adjustments. Because the business value growth process is constant and ongoing, many of our clients choose to repeat the cycle once they’ve completed it, refining even more.
Review Meetings
These meetings allow you to review the progress of your portfolio, and understand how it is on track to reaching your goals. Additionally, we will verify that you’re able to access your accounts and are receiving your statements and newsletters. During these meetings, you will also have the opportunity to update your financial plan based on changes in your life.
Money Does Not Have to Be Complicated
By leveraging a disciplined investment process, you receive transparency of information, seamless proactive service and the trust and accountability you need to pursue your financial objectives.
In-House Investment Support
Using a combination of the latest technology and our team of financial professionals, we regularly monitor your portfolio to ensure you are taken care of. While working with your advisor, you will build out your model and continually evaluate your portfolio in order to help you towards your goals.
How Do I Know Which Investment Strategy Makes the Most Sense for Me?
There are many factors that affect choosing an investment strategy. The first set of factors begins with you, our client. Our disciplined discovery process is key to understanding the right investment strategy for your specific situation. Once we have the answers from our clients, we begin to think about the second category of factors which involve the overall health of the economy.
Common Questions Your Advisor will Ask You
Here are common questions we ask as we walk through the investment planning process:
- What is the goal of the funds?
- Are they to be used now, at some point in the future, or are they funds you would like to leave as a legacy?
- What are the expectations you have for these funds when it comes to risk and reward?
- What part of your portfolio do the funds we are investing represent?
- What percentage do they represent in your liquid portfolio and overall portfolio?
- Are the funds qualified for tax deferral?
- What is your comfort level with investing, or how much investment expertise do you have?
The initial discovery process has to be thorough, which is why top financial advisors will include financial planning, not just investment management, as part of the services they provide to their clients. At Coastal Family Wealth Advisors, we believe all of our clients should have a financial plan, which is why we view it as the skeleton of the process.
Once we get to know our clients and we have walked through the basics, we decide whether we need to create the asset allocation plan or simply find the spot in which the funds we are going to invest fit within an already established plan.
To determine our management path, we ask ourselves:
- What is the current state of the domestic and global economy?
- What is the state of the local economy?
- Where are we in the business cycle?
- How are certain industries and sectors performing relative to each other?
- What is our team’s overall expectation of the market?
By combining the client factors and economic factors, we are very comfortable to make the asset allocation decisions. This is when we determine the answer to one very important question: “How much money to protect?”
Do I need to make an allocation to Irreplaceable Capital?
Irreplaceable capital is the amount of money we must protect from a downturn in the market. This is different from clients not wanting to lose money; no one likes to lose any money. And while that seems obvious, there are reasons why some may overreact to investment losses.
- Emotionally, we all feel losses more than wins.
- The response to a loss is not only an emotional response but also a logical If you lose 20% of $1 million, or $200,000, you will have $800,000. If you only earn a 20% return on $800,000, you will have $960,000! So, you need a 25% return on your money to get back to the original investment. You need more money to get back to where you started. Feel that discomfort?
Irreplaceable capital is money that must be preserved as much as possible because if it’s not, you may suffer a major change in lifestyle, which could even change the entire financial plan.
Once we have made a choice on irreplaceable capital, we then need to go back to our client factors. Do you need the income from the portfolio in the near future? If so, then we will choose a strategy which provides income. We may choose a combination of the tried and true dividend paying stocks, some capital appreciation and bonds. We may also incorporate more advanced investment strategies that require very experienced management and trading.
Some clients may choose an allocation of growth and alternative investments because of the potential for return and diversification. These two allocations may be a smaller part of the portfolio or a larger part, this all depends on timing. We may view domestic investments as more or less risky, and we may use global investment strategies to ensure we have diversified investments in the portfolio. The key here is to educate and prepare clients on the added risk.
Time plays a critical role in developing strategies for retirement. During retirement planning sessions, you may be in the first stage of accumulation and have recently begun to save and invest. In this situation, we may start with a more growth oriented strategy approach. However, this all depends on the answers to the initial client questions. Just because you recently started investing or you are a younger person, it doesn’t mean we automatically put you in a growth strategy and send you on your way.
If you are approaching retirement age, we may choose to sell growth investments. Let’s pretend we have a couple of great years in the market, we may save two years’ worth of funds needed to cover fixed living expenses and move them into an irreplaceable capital strategy to preserve your wealth in case there’s a market downturn the year you retire. It will allow us to preserve a cushion of time in which we don’t have to sell other shares at a lower price point.
When it comes to strategy selection, it is important to keep in mind the two categories in building a disciplined investment process. Combining investment management and financial planning provides us with guidance to create the right roadmap. We must focus on both the client category factors as well as the economic factors and work with each in tandem to create the best investment strategy for you.
Investment Plan Fee Structure
Investment Management Fees
We do not use third-party asset managers. This means that we are responsible for the composition of your portfolio. As a result, our portfolio managers are licensed as fiduciaries to watch over and be responsible for your portfolio.
Depending upon your investment objective and risk tolerance, every portfolio is customized specifically for that client. As each person is unique in their own way, so are our personalized portfolios and no two client portfolios will ever be designed in the same way. There is typically some circumstance, requirement or need for an individualized portfolio.
As a result, our fees are fully transparent and we only win when you win. We sit on the same side of the table as you so you can always feel assured that our goals will align together.
There are three types of fees that are applied to client portfolios.
The Wealthport Trading Platform Fee
This is the cost of providing trade executions in addition to trade confirmations, statements, and quarterly performance reporting. This fee can be up to .25% annually and is applied on a prorated basis to the portfolio in every billing cycle. It works out to be approximately .021% on a monthly basis for the highest expense tier.
The Fund Fees
When mutual funds or Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are used, there are fees associated with the underlying portfolio of securities within the mutual fund or ETF and that is in addition to our portfolio management fee. That fee is deducted from the underlying fund by the firm who is managing that mutual fund or ETF.
The Managerial Fees
These are the fees that Coastal Family Wealth Advisors assesses to a client’s portfolio for management services. This includes, but is not limited to;
- Quarterly performance reports,
- Annual performance meetings,
- Quarterly Market Commentaries that are emailed, as well as
- Reviews of any quarterly tax filings in coordination with your Tax Advisor.
How the Managerial Fees are Determined
We have adopted a tiered pricing model. This means that our firm assesses a management fee that has built in breakpoints that reduce the cost of managing your portfolio as the value in your account increases.
The breakdown in fees is as follows:
Assets Under Management | Annual Fee | Platform Fee | Total Fee |
$5,000 – $49,999 | 1.50% | 0.25% | 1.75% |
$50,000 – $99,999 | 1.50% | 0.23% | 1.73% |
$100,000 – $249,999 | 1.50% | 0.20% | 1.70% |
$250,000 – $499,999 | 1.50% | 0.17% | 1.67% |
$500,000 – $999,999 | 1.50% | 0.14% | 1.64% |
$1,000,000 – $1,999,999 | 1.21% | 0.09% | 1.30% |
$2,000,000 – $4,999,999 | .94% | 0.06% | 1.00% |
$5,000,000 – $9,999,999 | 0.72% | 0.03% | 0.75% |
Over $10,000,000 | Negotiable | 0.01% | Negotiable |
As of 02/2022
Main Number:
Office: 774-219-7798